Exciting News - RREPP's Modern Slavery Statement Accepted Onto The Australian Government's Online Register
We are a little early with our October newsletter yet we have some exciting news to communicate.
RREPP's Modern Slavery Statement has just been accepted onto the Australian Government's Online Register. This register is administered by the Australian Border Force (ABF) and houses Modern Slavery Statements provided by business entities reporting under the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018.
Modern Slavery is more prevalent than many of us realise, with over 45 million people affected worldwide. A number that has sadly increased over the past 18 months due to the pandemic. Unfortunately there will always be businesses out there looking to exploit the vulnerable in this world, purely in the quest for profit.
RREPP has always been proud of its ongoing work as a Social Enterprise involved in the ethical production of Fairtrade Certified Sports Balls, and Organic Fairtrade School Uniform Polo's and Corporate Polo's and Tees. Whilst working in close partnership with a small group fighting against Modern Slavery such as Fairtrade Australia & New Zealand, GOT's, and Social Traders.
If you would like to take a look at our Statement, it can be found on the Australian Government Register HERE
p.s. as highlighted in our last newsletter, our bulk Fairtrade Match Sports Ball orders for Schools will be getting locked in this week to ensure we make deliveries to everyone at the beginning of the new school year in 2022. So make contact direct at info@rrepp.com.au before the week is out if you'd like to get on board, and have your students playing with the best & fairest sports balls in Australia in 2022. Our 20% discount applies to any size orders large or small. Thanks everyone.
Scott Goddard & The RREPP Team
Founding Director
Chief Purpose & Vision Officer
m. 0422 004 954
e. scott@rrepp.com.au
Social Enterprise specialising in:
Fairtrade Certified Match quality Sports Balls
Organic & Fairtrade Certified School Uniform Polos & Tees
Organic & Fairtrade Certified Corporate Polos & Tees
A boutique range of Organic Fairtrade Corporate Merchandise