RREPP Launches New Ethical Website
Small Brand, Big Impact !
Hi everyone. Have you missed us ? Yes we have been off the radar for the past few months, yet plenty has been going on behind the scenes. First and foremost FINALLY our new website has been completed at www.rrepp.com.au. Created in conjunction with the wonderful team at Kady Creative, and officially launched this week. It has been a monumental effort to produce a site that is fully able to convey the inspiring RREPP story, and display all the amazing ethical products & initiatives that are now a part of our unique brand. And especially in regards to catering to Schools, Sporting Clubs & Corporates who are looking for more ethically certified supplier alternatives.
RREPP, as a fully Australian owned Social Enterprise, has always had a key focus on caring for people & planet. And one of the newest initiatives that we launched in 2022 is our tree planting program. So for every product our customers purchase from us, we will be planting a tree in one of two amazing reforestation programs - Trees for Tribal in India & the Eden Project in Nepal .
So far in 2022, RREPP has already planted 1911 trees, with our live tree counter updating our progress every day for all to see. This initiative already has RREPP trading as a carbon neutral business and selling carbon neutral products. So we look forward to you coming on board with us soon and supporting this great initiative, just by purchasing one or more of our fantastic products. Stay tuned for more exciting updates soon!
20% OFF for Schools & Sporting Clubs
We believe our Sports Balls are the best and fairest found anywhere in the world. Fairtrade certified, Match quality, and exactly what kids and adults should be playing with on every sporting field across Australia.
RREPP produces ethically made balls for Soccer, Futsal, Netball, Rugby Union, Rugby League and Touch, with our main bulk ordering for next year starting in August 2022. So is your School or Sporting Club ready to make the change in 2023? More details and SPECIAL PRICING can be found in our new Business Portal area of our website, specifically designed for Schools, Sporting Clubs and Corporates.
RREPP's Modern Slavery Statement
From July - September 2021, during the very difficult NSW Covid-19 lockdowns, rather than feeling sorry for the situation we all found ourselves in, the team at RREPP decided to step up rather than down, and take on a challenge most businesses our size refuse to do. Mainly due to it's confrontational nature and having the potential to expose modern slavery in a businesses supply chains.
Yet by the time October 2021 had arrived, RREPP's comprehensive Voluntary Statement had been completed and accepted onto the Australian Government's Online Register of Modern Slavery Statements under the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018. It was a fantastic achievement by everyone involved. There are over 45 million men, women and children right at this moment caught up in the hidden insidious world of modern slavery. So maybe it's time to ask the question - how is your favorite Sports Ball, School Uniform or Corporate supplier addressing this issue?
Thanks for being part of our monthly newsletter. See you next month.